kl. 20:00 – 21:00 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Gry Worre Hallberg arbejder i et bredt krydsfelt mellem performancekunst, kuratering, aktivisme og forskning. Gry arbejder for nuværende på en praksisbaseret PhD. ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, med udgangspunkt i to projekter, som hun er medskaber og kunstnerisk leder af; Dome of Visions (2012 – ) og Sisters Academy (2012 – ).

I arbejdet undersøger hun til stadighed nye måder at integrere og udfolde den æstetiske dimension både på og udenfor kunstinstitutionen og ‘scenerummet‘.

Det aktuelle virke tager sit udgangspunkt i visionen Sensuous Society – Et radikalt fremtidsbillede hvor den sanselige og poetiske dimension er i centrum.

Sisters Cleansing #2 – Bodypart hands
video (2:58 min.)

Sisters Hope is a Copenhagen-based performance-group and movement with an associated international troupe of performers from various backgrounds.
Sisters Hope is led by Gry Worre Hallberg who co-founded the group with her poetic twin sister Anna Lawaetz in 2007. Sisters Hope operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and pedagogy. They draw on immersion and intervention when they manifest on the stages of everyday life and beyond. They are working proactively toward manifesting a more sensuous and poetic educational system. Currently working to open and unfold more sensuous modes of learning in the large-scale Nordic project Sisters Academy (2014 – 2020).


Sisters Academy Manifest – Dome of Visions – Intentional Art
video (5:36 min.) fra Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen

Sisters Hope operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and pedagogy. They are working proactively toward manifesting a more sensuous and poetic educational system. Sisters Hope was founded in 2007 by Gry Worre Hallberg and Anna Lawaetz. In the sensuous performance- universe they embody The Sisters.


Sisters Academy, poetic attentiveness and sensuous learning
video (32:50 min.) fra Agenda Paris – Communicating The Museum 2018 Brussels – Conference

In 2017 Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art was transformed completely into the large-scale, immersive performance-installation Sisters Academy. More than 30 performers staffed an experimental boarding school in a potential future society. Audiences could only access the school by enrolling as a student for at least 24 hours, which naturally included a night in the school dormitory. Here the students encountered a full-blown immersive world, where the sensuous mode of being structured all actions.