kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Nicholas Nybro’s SS18 collection is all about the human body. Because why is it that the body and our perception of body ideals are such important topics to address when speaking about the purpose of fashion?

This collection will be the last from Nybro for now, as he will be taking a break from showcasing at Copenhagen Fashion Week. A break he will be using to explore new ideas and studying what exactly it is fashion can do.

Nicholas Nybro about the collection:

“I always design my collections with an important topic in mind. I chose the body, because I believe there is so much around us, both in the world and in fashion that tries to dictate the perception of the perfect body. We have become so timid and afraid to show our bodies and display what is underneath the clothes, which should be so natural. My collection is therefore a tribute to the human body and it’s thousands different ways of looking – something that constantly changes throughout life.

Some of my inspiration comes from how muscles are built; a tribute to the athletic body. I see natural changes in the body, that can be used in design. Like older saggy skin, that can be interpreted aesthetically as beautiful bodily drapings. I also work with the ample, full-figured body in different ways. The color scheme in my collection is ranging from delicate blue-ish and beige nuances to the darker warmer brown.

The purpose of showing the body’s many different ways to look in a fashion show, is to encourage a discussion about the body ideal that fashion is dictating. All bodies are different, which is part of what makes us interesting. It’s far from everyone who can identify with a 16-year-old slim teenage body of 180 cm. That does not mean that the young, slender body is not interesting or beautiful, but that it is not the only body that has value. My wish is that my collection and the show will start a debate about body ideals in the fashion industry, and I hope the show can spark a conversation about how clothes can also be beautiful on ordinary people with diverse bodies.

It’s tiresome to say that fashion only presents itself nicely on tall, skinny models – if that’s the case then isn’t something very wrong with the clothes?”.
Tekst fra hjemmesiden Nicholasnybro.dk


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