Felia Gram-Hanssen arbejder i et felt mellem performance, lyd og video; i et rum med en eksperimentel fremgangsmåde, samarbejdende med dansere, musikere og billedkunstnere.
Gram-Hanssen (f. 1983) er uddannet fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi – Skolen for Mediekunst, 2015
JUX transmission
Building a sound mobile. I´m looking at a dancing body. With my hand I make a circular movement, letting the drumstick hit with a confident composure. I do it with a minimum of inner debate, just leading my hand over the drum-kit like its moving on its own. I want to create a scenario where the actions i make with my hands can have a conversation. Like bricks placed on top of each other, the audiable interactions build a structure that translates movement into sound. Each sound formation I make reflects a dance on the platform in front of me. In order to translate the movement into sound, I organize the moving images into a graphical notation system. I’m programmed to interpret these graphical punctuations as if I was navigating though a marsh field, with a map telling me when to turn and when to leave a noticeable mark for a possible return. And maybe there is a need for repetitive scratches on the ground, to be able to shape a groove.
I’m telling what I know in the vocabulary I have been given. Perhaps there is no other way to express what I want to say.
Rhythm Is a Dancer (4/5 – 10/6, 2018)
Francois Dey, Goodiepal & Pals, Felia Gram-Hanssen, Conny Karlsson Lundgren, Ragnhild May, Vinyl Terror & Horror http://kopenhagen.dk/artguide/single/article/rhythm-is-a-dancer/
Felia Gram-Hanssen Among Twenty snowy mouintains, The only moving thing, Was the eye of the blackbird, 2018, 11.18 min, video. Foto Jonas Søgaard, Søgaardfilm
MESHES er en performancegruppe der pt består to trommeslagere og to dansere med baggrund i musik, billedkunst, dans og koreografi. Tilknyttet til MESHES er: Jaleh Negari, Felia Gram-Hanssen, Karis Zidore, Stine Frandsen og Lea Vendelbo
Med base i partitur-baseret improvisation arbejder vi med forholdet og sammenhænge mellem krop og lyd. Vi undersøger hvordan kroppens bevægelser kan oversættes til et partitur for trommesæt og hvordan lyden af et trommesæt kan oversættes til partitur for bevægelse. Komponering af koreografiske forløb er bygget op omkring interne logikker, såsom telepatiske øvelser og abstrakt ‘læsning’ af arkitekturen i et stedsspecifikt rum.
The rhythm and moves of Meshes
Taking a deeper look at the four-piece collective that is trying to blur the lines between beats, body, choreography and musical composition
The group was founded and initiated by Felia Gram-Hanssen as part of her final exams at the Art Academy in Copenhagen. Here the encounter between drum kit drummers and dancers was established. Throughout different later projects with different constellations of dancers and drummers, we are now two drummers and two dancers, which seems to be a well-balanced setup. We are currently Felia Gram-Hanssen and Jaleh Negari on drums and Lea Vendelbo and Stine Frandsen on dance.
Meshes oversætter værket Grundtone af Henning Christiansen fra 1984 på Statens Museum for Kunst, SMK Fridays 2017. Felia Gram-Hanssen, Jaleh Negari, Lea Vendelbo, Stine Frandsen.