kl. 20:00 – 21:00 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Forsker, forfatter og læser. Kasper Opstrup er Phd. fra The London Consortium, Birkbeck College, og har undervist på Københavns Universitet.

Har bl.a. oversat Alexander Trocchi og William S. Burroughs til dansk samt udgivet afhandlingen The Way Out: Invisible Insurrections and Radical Imaginaries in the UK Underground 1961-1991 på forlaget Minor Composition, 2017.

Occulture Podcast:

Kasper is a writer and researcher of what he calls radical culture, specializing in concatenations of art and literature, radical politics, and occultism as counterculture and underground phenomenon. Kasper published his PhD in book form back in November 2017. It’s called The Way Out: Invisible Insurrections and Radical Imaginaries in the UK Underground 1961-1991.

Seismograf.org: Here to go (2014)
Kasper Opstrup rapporterer fra et symposium i Trondheim om begrebet 'det okkulturelle' og dets bevægelse væk fra musikundergrunden i retning af de mere etablerede kulturelle etablissementer.

University of Copenhagen: Department of Arts and Cultural Studies

This article discusses magical thinking and the witch in relation to activism and the return of reactionary politics. It traces a technique of magical activism that utilises irrational images and the occult as fictionalisation strategies to create change. This technique is not only used by power to control and govern or to help the extreme right in normalising their ideas. It is also the terrain for a battle of who we are and who we can be. It is more an apparatus than an ideology and can thus, is and has been used across the political spectrum. Throughout the article, I pay special attention to memes and the contemporary turn towards a politicised witchcraft with three examples, all with an explicit anti-Trump agenda: The Magic Resistance, W.I.T.C.H.pdx, and the Yerba Mala Collective.


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