kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Yvette Brackman is an artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark. She was born in New York. Her work takes many forms such as installation, sculpture, performance, video and text. She works with themes such as the relationship of the body to space and memory; the interaction between origin and trauma as a result of displacement and exile; cultural survival and adaptability and political systems and their consequences. She frequently uses textiles to explore subjects such as fashion, commodity, distribution and exchange. Her work has a performative character engaging a combination of sculptural elements and time-based media. Her installations explore the role of narrative in social relations.

tekst og foto fra www.yvettebrackman.info


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Nærmere information følger... Hjemmeside: isabelahm.dk Instagram: isabel_ahm

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