kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Artist Malene Bach works with painting in an expanded field. Her abstract, conceptual artwork is characterized by a highly geometric approach and ranges from the purely digital to in-situ work, including readymades, furniture and paintings. Malene Bach’s highly contemporary artistic praxes draw on sources including Modernism, Russian Suprematism and the Avantgarde movement.
Malene Bach’s work expresses her unique understanding of colour. Her paintings address the interplay of light and surface, exploring themes like transparency or iridescence through different colour graduations and combinations. Her compositions – whether mono- or polychrome – draw on a range of cultural references, subtly ‘sampling’ and combining impressions and ideas to create unique colour schemes.
Malene Bach’s work has a unique affinity with the world of architecture. Her in-situ works are not only context-specific but actually enhance and co-define their spaces. They are often created in and around historical buildings in collaboration with architects and craftsmen: These are integrated interventions in the spirit of the gesamtkunstwerk, displacing the fabric of time to unfold new meanings.
Malene Bach works with functional ornamentation. As in nature, her geometric patterns are never purely ornamental. In the spirit of movements like the Bauhaus they are elevated to the status of functional objects, carefully designed with a combination of colour and materials to control environmental factors like motion, function and orientation.


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