kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Peter Holst Henckel’s artistic practice is expressed in the cross-field between aesthetics, politics and poetry. Often the works balance on the narrow line between simple, lucid expression and a conceptually dense complex of meaning. The immediate, simple expression is intended as an open invitation to the observer to interact with the work and contribute to the production of its meaning.

For Peter Holst Henckel, there is no contradiction between form and content, aesthetics and meaning; on the contrary, the formal and social dimensions of the work continually reflect each other, thereby creating new configurations, new meanings and new questions. Amongst other things, the encounter with the works invites the audience to reflect on the relationship between aesthetics and its historical/political context.

Inherent in this is the recognition that art is not an isolated world in itself, but rather one of many ways of being in the world – of understanding and relating to the world. Art can thus perhaps best be described as an interface between ourselves and the world around us. In the same way that the interface of a computer establishes a common language between the computer’s binary codes and us as users, art can create a common space which enables us to be in and relate to our common reality, in all its aspects. As the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman once said, one of the greatest tasks of human beings today is to “relearn the ability to translate individual problems into common questions”.

Hjemmeside: holsthenckel.dk


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