kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Niels Bonde is a pioneer of digital art in Denmark, working with new media – video, installation and digital media, as well as old media – drawing, painting, sculpture and rugs. His works explore the spheres of memory and the registration of people and objects. And what electronic and in particular digital media means to our culture and shapes us and our behavior. Especially in regards to control, surveillance, voyeurism, exhibitionism and paranoia, and how these topics have become core elements in our society rather than kinky fringe phenomenas. The ideas come together in theories on images as currency, describing how they have become increasingly dominant in post-internet and -smartphone communication and what this new role means. And how the screen has become a defining reference in our understanding of the world.

Through the 1990’s, he has distinguished himself as an installation artist in museums and galleries counting Statens Museum for Kunst [DK], MIT List Visual Arts Center, ZKM Karlsruhe, Stedelijk Museum, PS1 MoMa New York, Pinacoteca do Estato de Sao Paolo, Heart [DK], ARoS [DK], Academy of Fine Arts Hanoi Vietnam, Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius Lithuania, Malmö Kunstmuseum and Deutsche Hygiene Museum Dresden. Studied at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen and at Institut für Neue Medien at Städelschule Frankfurt. He has taught at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts [DK], Malmö Art Academy Sweden and at Kunsthøjskolen in Holbæk Denmark.
Niels Bonde lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark and Borrby, Sweden.


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