kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

EFFEKT is a Danish architectural office based in Copenhagen operating within the fields of modern architecture and visionary urban planning and research.

The company was established in 2007 and currently employs 25 full time staff under the creative direction of the two Partners Tue Hesselberg Foged and Sinus Lynge.

As part of the new generation of Danish architects revitalizing the nordic tradition, EFFEKT has in recent years distinguished themselves on both the national and international scene through highly profiled projects, exhibitions and publications.

EFFEKT has received numerous awards and won several Danish as well as international competitions ranging in fields of architecture, planning and landscape projects.



Thomas Friisholm, f. 1949, er uddannet billedkunstner fra Det kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, hvor han studerede under Richard Mortensen i årerne 1970 til 1977. I 1985...
Overvejer du at tage på højskole og er du nysgerrig på Kunsthøjskolens fysiske rammer, værksteder og fag? Så kom og besøg os – vi har...
Overvejer du at tage på højskole og er du nysgerrig på Kunsthøjskolens fysiske rammer, værksteder og fag? Så kom og besøg os – vi har...

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