kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Jeannette Ehlers has by now established herself as one of the most significant contemporary artists working within video art, both in a Danish context and increasingly also internationally. Educated at the Funen Art Academy and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, she has in recent years participated in a number of important exhibitions and conferences. Among these are: CARIBBEAN: Crossroads of the World, El Museo del Barrio, New York; BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS, BE.BOP 2012 and 2013; ENTER 2011: Ung Dansk Samtidskunst, Kunsthallen Brandts; Subtle Whispering_Danish Video Art Festival, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul.
In her visually fascinating and engaging works revolving around identity and belonging, globalisation, and historical power, Jeannette Ehlers employs all facets of the video medium: the artist’s own video recordings from the Danish West Indian Islands, historical material, digital effects, and not least a very powerful use of sound.


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