kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Foredrag er på engelsk.

At Home
Cathy Hawley is an award winning practicing architect and academic.
Cathy will be talking about pastoral and urban housing and community with reference to both her own work and historical exemplars and ideas. www.cathyhawley.co.uk

Cathy Hawley’s background is in practice; she has been an Associate at muf architecture/art and a Partner in Riches Hawley Mikhail. She has always been a research-led practitioner combining practice with academia at institutions including London Metropolitan University (now the CASS), the Architectural Association and Kingston University. Cathy has lectured and led workshops in the UK and abroad, and her work has been published widely. Riches Hawley Mikhail have been four times Housing Design Award Winners, BD Housing architect of the Year 2009 and their Clay Field project won two RIBA Awards and was mid-listed for the Stirling Prize.Research interests, developed and pursued through architectural practice, primarily relate to housing and communities. Housing projects for social and private landlords have informed a wide knowledge base on contemporary housing and urbanism which draws specifically on historical precedent, local context and ideas about social, political and environmental sustainability.Cathy has been the recipient of the RIBA Rome Scholarship in Architecture and subsequently a member of the British School at Rome Fine Arts Steering Committee. She is a registered Architect and member of the RIBA as well as a member of the Greater Norwich Design Review Panel.

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