“En engageret og levende undervisning kræver dygtige og engagerede undervisere, der med faglig og pædagogisk forståelse kan begejstre og motivere
Kaj Nyborg has a background in the field of painting and drawing, but he also works with photography and sculpture. Over the last 15 years he has mainly been working , with site specific installations and installational works.
Excerts from a text by mag. Art and curator Morten Søndergaard ……Kaj Nyborg punctures space. Through his strategic interventions into our expectations, the deeply rooted meanings ooze out through apertures and fissures, and what emerges is a new situation. From here, new meanings come to light in a roundabout way, as part of an extremely conceptual process.
In Kaj Nyborg’s works, there is almost always an ongoing play between space, body and brain. This game is activated through the construction of a sequence of spaces, which draw attention to unconscious layers that are all active in our mode of being conscious about certain functions or meanings in space, even if we might not be aware that this is the case. What is going on here is way of rendering space visible inside the space that first emerges when you have arrived at a point that marks a transition between a “normal” everyday consciousness and the unconscious layers – a point that could be designated as “judgement’s space”……
1988-90 Kunstakadamie Düsseldorf / Studier hos Proff. Gotthard Graubner / DAAD- Jahresstipendie
1982-87 Kunsthåndværkerskolen, Kolding / Linien for Tegning og Grafik
1995-96 Schloss Ringenberg / stipendium, Hamminkeln, Tyskland
Medlem af Kunstnersamfundet og BKF
2011 Rohde Contemporary / chekout check in
2008 Stalke Galleri / don´t build this
2004 Stalke Galleri / dean martin delirium +
2004 Overgaden / a wolf in my soup
2003 The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik Island / living + art in a museum
2003 Kragh og Halling Art / closed
2001 SIGHT SITE, / Altanprojekt Nygaardsvej 22, kbh (blivende installation)
2001 Museet for Samtidskunt, Roskilde / cut
2000 Galleri Søren Houmann / sad owls go into freefall
2000 GUK- Exhibition Place / drive in (a new sight in Selfoss) – Island
2000 GUK-Exhibition Place / homesick – Lejre
2000 GUK-Exhibition Place / slow wave motion – Hannover
2000 Window Space, Kbh. / sleep out sleep in
1999 Galleri Søren Houmann / isolat
1998 North Udstillingssted / subterranean panorama
1997 Stalke Galleri / u.t.
1997 Horsens Kunstmuseum / white noise
1995 Schloss Ringenberg, Hamminkeln, Tyskland / 3 multiples
1995 Traneudstilling Gentofte Kunstbibliotek / Butterfly-multiple