kl. 20:00 – 21:30 på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk

Søren Martinsen is often occupied with alternative society forms and lifestyles with a spceial focus on the different types of spaces and places attached to them. In videobased works, photographs, installations etc. he examines how dreams and utopian visions are wrapped into real spaces, as for instance festivals or small local communities with their own special structure.

At times, the works have a documentaric appearance, but through Martinsen’s interventions the works point towards the passages between outer “real” and inner “fictive” spaces.

Læs om højskolens værksted for Installation / Rum -> Maleri -> Video ->


Musikerne Kresten Osgood og Michael Blake besøger Kunsthøjskolen og giver koncert mandag d. 22. april 2022, som en del af deres turne rundt i Danmark...
Koncerten er en del af Theatre of Voices Festival 2024 Køb billetter til koncerten hos Billetto, på linket her: Billet - Theatre of Voices: Gertrude...

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